Friday, February 20, 2009


Thanks everyone for the sympathy of the robbery, and just so you all know. I am totally not moving, I just figure at this point what else could happen. But if I move, I could start back in square one....right?

So anyways, funny story. A couple weeks ago, this kid from my ward (who will remain nameless) and I went out for ice cream and naturally anyone that knows me knows the conversation isn't exactly "normal". I mean sure, we talked about the weather, school, jobs, friends...whatever....bore alert... But naturally, we talked about the other "usual" stuff like my obsession with Dinosaurs (where did they go, what was their point, did they ever walk this earth?), Jon Bennet Ramsey (who killed her damnit) and did we really land on the moon. I'm sorry, that's just how my brain works. So a few nights later, I run into this same kid at a ward function (I blame myself for being there) and he comes up and starts telling me this way random story, well not really story but it basically included him telling me about where he ate dinner the 2 previous nights, his friend losing his job and a lawsuit he heard about. I'm totally following. At the end of this 5 minute pointless story he turns to me and says:

Nameless: (with a confused face)I have no idea why I told you that story.
Me: Me neither, but whatever.
Nameless: I guess I just figured that you always tell me stuff that has no point so I just felt like I should too.
Me: Ha, yeah...totally....

So for what it's worth friends, thanks for sticking with me through these "pointless stories"


Steph said...

I get so excited when I see you have a new blog post! Miss you.

Please don't tell me you went out with Justin Cherry...sounds like something he would say to you???

::David and Erin:: said...

I think we're on the same wavelength. I've been told I need to write a book called "Random Thoughts By Erin Brown." Perhaps we should get together and share rediculous thoughts on how the world turns. What was it we talked about for 30 minutes outside of Brick Oven Pizza? Oh, that's right, pepper spray and what we'd do to any bastard who tried to attack us. I believe a good 10 minutes of that conversation involved graphic depictions of tearing certain anatomical parts from the male body. Wait...did I just tell a pointless story? Gotta love 'em.

Whitney said...

i know who nameless is and quite frankily i think he should remain nameless in your life! pointless stories? um hello, his story was pointless! your stories are full of good questions and valid points! i mean seriously, who killed her? and dinosaurs are always a facinating topic!

Timothy and Nicole said...

Okay love it... I don't think you tell pointless stuff. You are simply one of the most entertaining people I know. However, me on the other hand I think Tim gets slightly embarrassed when we're in a big groups and I start to tell a story because I usually get distracted and it really has not point. About your car what is going on. That sucks! I am really sorry.

Gaengy said...

I am with Steph...I get excited when I see you have a new post...I know I am your mother so I must be prejudice, but I love your stories! Keep them coming!

Ashleigh said...

first, dinosaurs. i think hf just put a whole bunch of random things down here to see what we would come up with and he's laughing everyday. i know i do that with my kids now and i expect that i were to ever make it to his status i'll do the same. there, that's solved for you.

second, i don't think you should be complaining about pointless stories, because i think you would indicating that every conversation we've ever had was something to complain about.

third, if you can put up with pointless stories, you are going to be an excellent mom!

move, i still say move. ash

Muncher Cruncher said...

I love this. I feel like I always tell pointless stories. Just for the record, I love your stories. Keep 'em coming.

Chelsi Lasater said...

Tell that boy to shut his face before I shut it for him! I love your stories. Story-telling is one of your best qualities!! I heart you. Happy birthday, love!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Lisa said...

you forgot to mention the follow up conversation we had with him at church where he told us about his car and the way the mechanics work. that was definitely pointless...not to mention incredibly boring.

Bethany said...

Katie, this is really Kelly. I don't have a blog, so I have to write under Bethany's name, but I have to confess that your blogs (although I am real sorry for all of the crap that you have had to deal with), are so good that I have become a regular reader. You have a real talent that should not be hid. Don't let those with lower mental capacity get you down. I think that "up yours" would have been an appropriate response to mr. un-named's remark--he probably would have understood that best.

Stacey said...

Yes! I agree! Did we really land on the moon. I don't think so... and did dinosaurs roam the earth or are their bones peice of other planets that God used when he created the Earth? A theory I heard once and totally believe. And what about LOST... Will they save the Island and everyone on it!!! Well good luck living in Salt Lake, sounds like you have price on your head, if you need a place to lay low you can crash in my basement, I have no problem turning it into the "underground railroad".

Stacey said...

p.s. And what's up with Aliens...? do they really exist?? I want to know!!!!!

Darby said...

Katie, I've been wondering who killed Jon Bennet too! The Cowles family just can't figure it out!My money's on the dad. And I'm intrigued to find out who this nameless date is. I've got to be more social again in the ward! I have my suspiscions though:) Funny post!

Natalie Que said...
