Sunday, January 18, 2009

Puerto Vallarta...making my wildest dreams come true...

First off, for some reason my Mazatlan recap got put in the wrong place, it's underneath the last post. The only reason I assume most people didn't read it is because I didn't even get a comment from my Mom...which I always do (which I love Mom!) so just in case you missed it, scroll down

Anyways, the last installment of the cruise. I think that Puerto Vallarta was my favorite stop. When we got off the ship Natalie and I were hell bent on swimming with the dolphins. Oddly it has always been a dream of both of ours...we were prepared to make our wildest dreams come true. I am not sure of where my love of dolphins came from, but I assume it has to do with when Nick and Jessica went to the Bahama's on their show Newlyweds, Nick and Jessica I refuse to believe that I am the only one that misses the Lachey-Simpsons. Sad side story, but when they announced their divorce I started to cry...seriously. I know, totally embarrassing.

So after walking around the port we find someone the help us get the dolphins. We get it all lined up, and we are on our way...on our mission to dolphins. After a scary encounter with a taxi driver who wanted more than we wanted to pay (Natalie, so sweet...yet very feisty) we were on our way. As we were passing the freeway I look over and see a huge water park (Raging Waters? Hello!) and I turn to Nat and say wouldn't that be the neatest thing if the dolphins were at that water park? Just then, the taxi driver pulls off the! It can't be! They are combined! Naturally, Nat and I feel like we have died and gone to hell, Nat's husband Ben is probably feeling like he died and went to hell (he was a GREAT sport!).

All suited up...let's rock this...
Getting acquainted with our new friend. When I meet people I don't like them to rub my body down, especially in the belly region but whatever, it's what the dolphin's wanted. Me and the Dolphin having our one on one. It went really well.
Nat and I swimming out for our first ride.
Nat and her wedgie getting pushed by the dolphins...
Me and my wedgie getting pushed by the dolphins (best advise, do not enlarge this picture. Especially if you have young children present)
Just a little water fight with the dolphin

The finale, seriously, could me and Nat look more like 12 year olds? We were really that excited!

Now, we got all this for $99, but cherry on top. We also got plenty of laughs. There was a girl with us, probably around the 17-21 age range and she wound up having a total meltdown in the pool. Like, tears streaming down her face, body convulsing, jumping out of the pools, the whole bit. The trainer was killing us because he asked the dolphin, do you like this girl? And the dolphin nodded, then he asked, are you going to bite her and then the dolphin shook its head. Nat and I were hysterical. I just feel bad that they had to spend $300 to find out that their daughter has a fear of dolphins. I would suggest going to the beach, maybe para sailing next time.
Next, we had another mom and daughter combo that was beyond hilarious. The daughter was probably in her mid 40's and her mom was in her late 80's...seriously. About 3 minutes into it the 80 year old waif (honestly she maybe weighed 90 lbs sopping wet) gets out of the pool because she was too cold. Meanwhile, her daughter stayed in the pool with us and every time the dolphin came near her she would yell, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Look, it's me and the dolphin!" or "Look Mommy! Hey Mommy! I am going to ride the dolphin....weeeeee!!!" Meanwhile, this totally lethargic women with her swimsuit gaping open around the crotch region had no idea where she was or what she was doing. It was kind of sad (the mom), but mostly hilarious (the daughter). I am 25...and I gave up yelling to my mommy to watch me around 19 years ago. It's a shame that they had to pay $300 to find out the water was too cold, but selfishly I am so glad they came with us. It provided hours of entertainment for our family. I would suggest staying on the boat next time.
Lastly, we got to spend a few hours at the water park. Let me tell you, these Mexicans (side note, I am calling them Mexican's and not Hispanics because I saw about 15 shirts in Mexico that said I am not a Hispanic, I am a Mexican, so apparently that's what is PC there.) know how to have a water park. The regulations are SO different there. Some of the water slides didn't even have a 16 year old at the top telling you when to go...just go when you feel like it. America has got to get on board with this. They had this ride that would never fly in the US, it's called the Torbellino. Basically, you hop in this tiny shoot where you go Mach 90 down the shoot into a open bowl where your body spins around until you stop and go down a huge hole in the center which drops you into the pool. Hilarious. It's hard to explain, but check out this website for a visual

Puerto Vallarta, thanks for making my wildest dreams come true!


Mel said...

Okay so I have been loving reading your cruise reviews. First I need to know what cruise line you went on and second I am headed there in 7 weeks. The same ports so need advice of what to do. I loved your dolphin story!!! It's hilarious. Especially the people around you!! You are the best story teller. I need advice before I leave since Mazatlan wasn't your favorite. Apparently I won't be going on a horse ride!

Clegg Family said...

I don't know which piece of "Getting to Know Kate" information is better...that your wildest dreams include swimming with dolphins or that you cried when Nick and Jessica announced their divorce?! I miss you, Kate!

Gaengy said...

Great post, and I did try to comment on the former post on Matatlan, but it I know where it was. Love the pics and hearing the stories again. I hope you are around when I get old...I mean older because its going to be great when you retell stories. I think everyone will still love them!

The Webber's said...

Katie -
As always, I Love reading your blog! It is great entertainment! I also have dreams of one day swimming with the dolphins, although I think mine came from an episode of Full House back in the day!!! I LOVE that show! I also was so sad (and still in denial) about Nick and Jessica. I don't know that I cried, but I came pretty close!

Englishfam said...

I too am secretly wanting to swim with the dolphins, but just haven't had the chance yet. *tear* I am so glad that you were PC about the Mexicans at the waterpark. I was about to get upset. Love you Kate!

mare said...

i am laughing so hard right now about the humans at the dolphin park. i would give anything to go on vacation with you. my goodness sakes. one caviat: no nick and jess talk-- seriously gildea?

Suzie said...

Katie, thanks for all of the entertainment. My mom and I are sitting in our Jerusalem apartment frittering away hours and laughing at your stories. Sounds like it was a boatload of fun. Tell the fam hi.
P.S. I had to explain the Nick and Jess portion to my mom, but I thought it was just awesome.

Whitney said...

first of all i would like to point out that i love the pic of you and nat in your life jackets! mainly because you have the same problem that i have with life jackets- the gape open at the hoots. nice. love it! miss your hoots.
secondly, i am so impressed you swam with dolphins! i think i would be a little afraid and might yell for my mommy! haha, that was funny. and third, i want to go to a water park in mexico, are you kidding me, that slide was crazy!

Natalie Que said...

I'm not sure who I'm more embarrased for -that pic of me in the lifejacket or you -that you actually CRIED! Hilarious. I was more torn up about Brad and Jen. I think I came closer at that point than N+J.

Hilarious, I totally forgot about the guy asking the dolphin if he was going to bite the girl. I could never forget about the 45 year old yelling for 'Mommy' -of which Mommy was 90 with altzimers... Great recap

Jenny G said...

I can only imagine the fun you guys had. The torbellino is something I need to try. It looks just like the slide thing on Polar Express that I have always wanted to go on.