I really pride myself, I'm not a klutzy person. I don't trip on stuff, I don't break stuff, I don't run into things. Well, I didn't used to. I did the dumbest thing last night. Lisa and I had just gotten home from spinning and we were about to make dinner when I noticed the limes that I had forgotten that I had bought. In my excitement I reached over and grabbed the bag....which was underneath the candle warmer. As you can imagine the candle was which was completely melted went everywhere....and I mean everywhere.... I tried to catch it, but just wound up making it worse. It was all over my body, the floor, cupboard and door. Awesome.

Luckily this was the second time this has happened so we were able to get right down to business. And since we had just gotten home from spinning we were in the best mood so we just scraped the wax off with pancake turners while singing an EXCELLENT rendition of "Shoop" By Salt and Peppa. "Here I go, here I go, here I go again....girls what's my weakness? Men! Ok then chillin, chillin, mindin my business....."
I think it's time to find a new spot for the candle warmer....
similar situation... mine just happened to be a bright red candle. It got everywhere.. looked like blood. pure awesomeness. Aren't we brilliant?
Oh what a mess! Good thing you were such a good sport about though...just sing instead of whistle while you work!!
I always tell Ansen . . . You're so crazy, I think I want to have your baby . . . I know all the words too thanks to Shannon Bybee. When I saw the picture I thought you were telling the story about last time it happened (I think Lisa or someone else did it) and then I read that, nope-just did it again. Funny!
And now for the comment on a random unimportant fact... you're the second person I've seen refer to a "pancake turner" this week. Am I the only person who just called it a spatula?
hahaha! wait, i beg to differ, i lived with you and i would say you weren't always the most coordinated person. might i remind you of falling down the stairs? and the swing daboccle of 2005?
shotgun bang, look at that thang, i wanna know how does it hang, wait up hold up mr. lova....
yeah, i remembered the dirty part of the song!
Awww... watch out high schoolers. You and I can be coordinated together. I tripped over my laptop bag this morning (in heels and a skirt).
It was such a day that I decided to make caramel corn to tide my angst. I burnt my hand on the caramel. Here's my sign :).
How many more weeks of madness? :)
Moral of your story: all you need to turn any situation around is some Salt, Pepa, and a really good friend willing to get down and dirty with you. I miss you two.
Yeah...did that EXACT same thing in our dorm room at Snow Hall. I didn't see anywhere in the contract where "Hitting Over a Candle Warmer and Ruining the Carpet" was specifically prohibited!
I did that in Logan in Old Farm. I so feel your pain. Couldn't be that bad when your singing shoop. That doesn't make me feel that old since you do know that song!
oh man I miss you Kate. Never ever stop blogging. can't wait for your week together out here! I'm gonna try and not get a job til then :-)
todd did that once in my mom's bathroom, we cleaned it up as good as we could... then he said "quick let's leave and she will think it was the grandkids" it worked, she did think that. but i told her the truth.
you are the funniest/best human! i loved that story. "men!" i can see you two shouting that song.
if you don't know me by now...
i love your posts...but i need them on a more regular basis. September 16th, really? come now, don't make me beg..
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