Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, it's official. I am all moved out of Logan and residing in Salt Lake. Can I just tell you how much I hate moving...especially the hauling of the boxes. Honestly, let's not just narrow it down to hauling boxes, let's just say I hate manual labor in general. I must say though, you should all be pretty impressed because besides 2 things, Lisa and I completely packed the U-haul all by ourselves. Thanks to Trent and Eric who suggested we call the missionaries for help. Maybe next move. We did have some help with the unloading, thanks Jordan, Kristine and Ansen. Actually, next time I have already decided that I will be paying someone. Before we started loading the U-haul we had to return the bed's Katie Jo had so graciously lent to us for the year. We decided that we didn't want to take them apart to take them back...it would take too long we decided. It would be so much faster to just leave them together. So after breaking our backs, shoulders, scraping the paint off the walls and banisters, maneuvering it out of the door, loading it into the u-haul, and carrying it into Katie's backyard it was nice to realize at that point we would have to take it apart to get it into her house. Awesome. But our spirits were high thanks to the 44 oz Diet Coke so we just sat in the back and sang and took apart the bed.
I am not exactly sure who was driving this truck before us, but it smelt like the love child of a chain smoker and Mr. Clean. It smelt like Lemon Pine Sol mixed with tobacco or if you need a visual it smelt like the Best Western I stayed at in Delta...use your imagination folks. And, they left these behindBefore we left, we were trying to eat all our leftovers and I am not sure if it was the fumes, the lack of sleep, the amount of caffeine running through our veins or what, but we could not stop laughing. We had packed EVERYTHING from the kitchen so I ate my pizza off a plastic cutting board that we found in the dishwasher, And Lisa was able to find the back of the Time Magazine to use. Yes Sassers, you are seeing a Spice Pack...
This was upon our return after the LONGEST day of my life. We really were that excited to be done...well I guess we were also excited about the thought of heading to Beto's to celebrate the move...which we did.
It was really nice to be able to clean up the house for the new girls, the house we moved out of was a complete disaster. Remember the kitchen remodel? I do. I am so happy to be out of that house that smelt constantly like a mix of grandma, butt and feet. Or as we called it, home sweet home.
I did find this godsend while dejunking the house. Whoever lived there before us who was a CNA, RN or possibly a dental hygienist, thank you for leaving these gloves behind. They made cleaning doable.
And for punishing you by making you look at all those disgusting pictures I thought I would treat you to one after we got cleaned up. What we have liked about SL so far:
-Our new house
-The helpful guy at Home Depot who has helped us out twice since Saturday
-The cute little Thai married couple who did our pedicures
-Our new Gold's Gym membership
-The Smith's around the corner

What we have not liked about SL so far:
-The weird girl at the checkout at Walmart that asked if me and Lisa were a couple, just because we were standing there separate and paying separate. I can see the confusion there.
-The lack of finding a gas station with fresh limes for you Diet Coke (come on, we need a Mooch's replacement!)
-Lockind our doors. Lisa and I sometimes left our door open at night, apparently our room mates are not down with that.

But, if anyone asks. We like it here.


Kristine L. said...

Um thanks for the recognition with all of the people who helped you UNPACK. Here's a shout out to me, Jordan and Ansen.


::David and Erin:: said...

Well done on getting an entirely whole bed out of your apartment! Too bad your work was all for naught when you had to take it apart a Katie Jo's...ha ha! IRONY!!! Way to earn your keep!

RufflesAndFringe said...

Good for you moving yourselves! The part about the girl at WalMart is hilarious. Oh, big city folk.

Kate said...

Hey dingledorf, learn to read. I did give you a shout out...

vie said...

Katie... is there room in your house for roommates? Are you all full? I'm coming to the U this fall! Either way we will have to play. congrats on the move!

Mel said...

Yeah Katie! Congrats on being in SL. I am sure you will be happy there. Just call us more!

tara said...

I didn't know you were even movin to the city! I am too! Where are you living? Seth and I are lookin for a place to live now..and I hate apartment shopping! I'm so excited that you guys are down here! MAC counter here we come ;)

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Welcome to Salt Lake!! WE live right around the corner from Smith's... which Smith's?

Gaengy said...

Glad you survived the move...I hate moving too! So much work!! Funny stories about your likes and dislikes about SLC. You look really thin in those pictures!! Are you eating?

The Funderburks said...

WHAT? You moved? Why? Where? I need details!

Ashleigh said...

I wanted to make sure that Lisa let you know that I had all the intentions of helping you move in, it just didn't work around the nap schedules for that day. Plus, when you're married you send one as a representative which is considered as good as both of us being there, so shout out to Ashleigh! Yeah Thanks! I may not have been there for "official" move in day, but I made up for it yesterday with the mattress hunt I participated in(actively participated-coupons, buying lunch, gas money, directions and the comment that led to the $10 deduction off the price of the mattress) for 4 hours yesteday.

Anyway, glad you're here!!

Kara and Mike Barber said...

So what will you being doing in SLC? I was so excited to see you called today!!! My family is in town, but I will give you a call in the next couple of days, i would love to talk, I miss you, and I love reading your blog, you are so funny!

Hali said...

HEY! Found your blog via the Katie Jo. Hope that's ok. Glad to hear the move was a successful one. I share in your moving blunders. I hate it. Anywho, glad you're liking SLC and that you're closer. We should play!

Oh, and I have a blog, but it's locked. If you'd be so kind as to send me your email address, I shall add you for some good blogging fun. :)

Natalie Que said...

Congrats! And please, never, EVER take {and post!} pictures of yourself on moving day. You'll be doing both of us a huge favor.

Hilarious stories. I always try 'little shortcuts' like not taking apart beds. Yeah, like you it usually ends up in 20 x's the work and frustration, 10 x's the time, and everything else. But I love it, I'll never stop. One day it will pay off.

Glad you are liking SLC, I'm excited for you! Good luck with everything, can't wait to see your new place in a few.

Tabbi said...

congrats on the move to the big city;) I'll have to come see your place when I'm in town. What else is new? We need to catch up soon...

Gaengy said...

Glad the move went well. That was one of the things that baffled me in all the moves I did with you girls up to Utah State, tons of seemingly fit Aggie men hangin about, and zero help. I have always thought that they just got their nails done, and they did not want to break one. That theory is still in place after reading your blog.

Maybee you and Lisa could work on the "home" fragrance and market it. It is probably more pleasant than many of the overpowering sweet fragrances that are marketed today. Lets cover up that awful baconcheeseburger smell from last night with cheap perfume. Dad out

Julie Knowlton said...

I feel so lucky to have you closer. How do you think I can convince Branigan to possibly let me move in with you? Maybe even if it is just for a few months. Just to make some memories.

Mike and Brooke said...

I'm so glad to see you appropriately christened your house with a Spice Pack. It took us 3 tries to find a good grocery store here in Vegas, the second trip resulting in some desert-dweller telling me to f*&! off. Trust me, it was completely undeserved.

Clegg Family said...

Yay! I am so happy about your move to SLC - it's about time. Logan has had you for far too long. Now it's finally SLC's turn. Can't wait to see you!!

Muncher Cruncher said...

I hear ya Kate, moving sucks. I'm SO glad you're closer though!! can't wait to see the place :)

John + Bethany said...

Oh, I wish I was moving to slc already! I didn't know you were leaving Logan though...what are your plans in salt lake?

AnneMarie said...

Ohhhh! That is such hard work, but you two make everything seem fun.

Whitney said...

you two crack me up! i love the uhaul. who drove?

Whitney said...

whoops i meant to say who drove the budget! duh, i can't believe i didn't point out that you went with the cheapest moving company.....