Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Little Father's Day Shoutout!

Happy Father's Day Dad! I just wanted to write down a couple of my favorite things about my Dad, and for the record I don't care what Tangie Alsop says, I don't think you are a strange man. For those that didn't grow up in my house or in Northridge 4th let me quickly explain that the Alsop's were probably the WEIRDEST people I have ever met and one day the little 3 year old girl walked up and said, "Brother Gildea, my mom says you are a strange man, but I think you are nice." Yeah Sister Alsop my dad is surely the weird one.... Anyways, for those that don't know my Dad, you are really missing out. He is not one in a million, he is one in a trillion. Honestly, I love him and I feel so lucky to have him as my Dad.
This picture was recently taken when one of the Visalia Firemen found out he had a brain tumor, to honor him all the fireman shaved their heads. My Dad has such a love and dedication to the people he works with. He really would do anything for them, and I always loved telling people growing up that my Dad was a fireman. Everyone always thought that was so cool and he would always let us bring people to tour the fire station when we were younger. We went there every Sunday that my Dad worked and he would let us climb on the engines, wear his boots and helmets and slide down the poles!

I love this picture of my Dad and I because he really is that hip (those aren't really is sunglasses but use your imagination) He loves to wear, much to our dismay, items like FUBU, PHAT FARM, and let's not forget WUWEAR (just imagine him saying, woo woo and raising the roof). But really he is with the times, he is always up to date on Hollywood life (he is the one that told me that Nick and Jessica were getting a divorce mind you). He always knows the latest bands and music. Seriously, he introduced me to bands like The White Stripes and The Strokes
He's also really good at improvising (sorry Gabe). Last year while we were home visiting the girls went shopping and Grandpa was left with the kids. He couldn't find the he took Gabe out and hosed him off. We were laughing SO hard, but hey it worked. My Mom said that he used to do that to us growing up as well, so I guess some good things never change....

My Dad is probably one of the youngest 52 year olds you will probably ever meet. This was him going down the giant slide at the bounce part this last year. My Dad has always lived on the edge, especially with his toys...which we had in abundance growing up. It was not unusual to see my Dad in his 40's doing pop a wheelies up and down our street or buying a leather riding outfit equiped with the professional rollers one the knees (yes the one's that professionals use)

And last but not least, my Dad is a jokester above all jokesters. I am not sure when this started but he started buying us shirts from places like GENX clothing. It has become one of our favorite parts of Christmas, but the joking doesn't end there. My friend Jason Sanders was over at our house when I was in High School and he put dog biscuits on a plate and served them to him. It was hilarious!
But probably one of my favorite jokes was 6 years ago, it was my niece Hallie's first Christmas and my Dad bought her some Santa Jammies and as a joke. My Mom, don't kill me for telling this, was all about this Grandma thing and so my dad was hanging out the jammies and it got to her. He handed her a box and she looked inside and they were matching to Hallies....almost.....she got so excited and yanked it out of the box and much to her dismay they were not matching. It was the nastiest, most disgusting Mrs. Santa lingerie. I would show a picture, but I am pretty sure my mom has destroyed all the evidence....
I could go on and on, but I will end it at that. I hope you have a very Happy Father's Day. To my one in a trillion Dad, Love you!


The Andersen's said...

Ha ha good old dad! Dad is so funny! He has been shopping for ana lee dolls and bought mom the most hideous house wife rat doll that I about wet my pants when he showed us! But I am so grateful that he is our dad! He is so great! anyways loved the post! love ya!

Gaengy said...

Leave it to Katie to tell all the family secrets!! Fun post Katie, sometimes when he is so goofy, I say to Hannah, honestly I don't know where I picked him up...but I sure am glad I did. He makes life so fun and I am one lucky woman!

Nicole said...

What is that first picture of dad? He is so funny. We are so lucky to have him. Cute post.

Englishfam said...

TAAAAAAANGIE!! Oh the Alsops. Could you get a better family to make fun of? I think not. Anyway, great post about your dad. He truly is one of the funniest people I know and I think the Mrs. Santa lingerie takes the cake. Julie I am sure you appreciated that story on the internet, but it was great entertainment for the rest of us!! haha

kristen said...

Love this post. Love your dad and your family. Problem...I am not remembering the Alsops. Do you think I've repressed the memory of them?

Natalie Que said...

Way funny, I forgot about the Mrs. Clause matching outfits. You left out the best one though. What about the time Dad lied and told Mom that Kristine and Hannah had seduced Cujo into humping their arms? Why Dad? Who thinks up this stuff?!

::David and Erin:: said...

I want to come to Sunday dinner at your house! So freaking funny...that picture of your dad hosing off the baby in the yard made me laugh audibly at my desk at work!

Mel said...

Your dad is the greatest and I can see where you guys get your sense of humor (sorry Julie) Not that you aren't funny too, moving on... The Alsop's are classic!! Everytime I drive by Tangie's Cafe in American Fork I wonder if it is her's! I wish I could be included in the family T-shirt giveaway!

Kristine L. said...

Yeah, Nat is right, you forgot the best story of them all. It was great to get called in by mom and get lectured on why I shouldn't tempt Cujo to hump my arm. What?! Are you serious? You ACTUALLY think I would want her to do that? Dad was definitely laughing in the corner to the point that his face turned red. One in a trillion truly.

Whitney said...

just from this post alone i can tell you get a LOT of your personality from your dad! the hosing gabe off was freakin hilarious!

The Funderburks said...

Kate - you're just the cutest thing ever. And you look like you've got a pretty hip dad, too.

Millar said...

Oh dear...the Alsops...I remember them. Goofy. I always thought they looked like Miss Piggie. (is that really rude?)

Your blog is so funny! I love your family!

Steph said...

Now I see where you get your great personality and HUMOR! Like father like daughter ;)

Whitney said...

i tagged you! you better do it. see my blog

Ashlee said...

funny! you know all the years I have known you, I have never met your dad. Sad really.

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Oh man! I love this. AND... since my dad's a firefighter in Vegas and yours in Cali, I think we should be allowed to have our pick from their coworkers, don't you? I mean, my dad's coworkers have been in some modeling calendars and what not... these guys should be, too. WITH US in with them, however. :)